"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2014.9
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2014.9
"/> Caesarian section delivery and the risk of atopic dermatitis - a cross-sectional study
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Caesarian section delivery and the risk of atopic dermatitis - a cross-sectional study

M. Panduru, C. Salavastru, N. Panduru, S. Tiplica

Abstract: The main objective of our study was to investigate the relation between caesarean-section (C-section) delivery and atopic dermatitis (AD) occurrence, in a group of Romanian children. During January to June 2012, a crosssectional study was carried out, in schools and kindergartens from southern counties of Romania. The study uses data collected from questionnaires. We enrolled Romanian subjects aged 2 months till 18 years old. The main outcome of the study was AD occurrence in children born by C-section. The association between C-section delivery and AD occurrence was evaluated using different types of logistic regressions. We sent 2000 questionnaires and after the exclusion of questionnaires with missing data, finally remained 1011 questionnaires to be analyzed. Our study showed that C-section delivery is not a risk factor for AD occurrence (OR=1.22; p=0.38) nor increasing the risk of AD.

Keywords: atopic dermatitis, allergic eczema, birth method, caesarean section, abdominal delivery

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