<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 6, Issue 3, September 2010

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Anemia feriprivă la femeia de vârstă fertilă

D. Nanu

Abstract: Iron is an essential micronutrient. Three-quarters of the anemia were related to iron deficiency in menstruating women. Women of childbearing age are at increased risk for iron-deficiency anemia because of blood loss during their monthly periods. Because their menstrual flow is reduced, OC users may lose only one-third to one-half the blood iron that other women lose during menstruation. in menstruating women, those using intrauterine devices had significantly lower serum ferritin levels than those without contraception, and much lower than those using oral contraception. All causes of bleeding manifested by hypermenorrhea or polymenorrhea can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Treatment for iron-deficiency anemia will depend on the cause and severity of the condition. Treatments may include dietary changes, supplements or medicines. The goals of treating iron-deficiency anemia are to treat its underlying cause and restore normal levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and iron. Keywords: iron deficiency, anemia, oral contraception; intrauterine device, iron supplementation
Keywords: iron deficiency, anemia, oral contraceptive, intrauterine device, iron supplement

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