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Study of Intraplacental Vascularization by 3D Power Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancies with Normal Evolution

C. M. Mihu, D. Mihu, T. ugan, S. Dudea, R. Ciortea, M. Oancea

Abstract: Human placenta represents an interface between two distinct circulations, maternal and fetal circulations. The complex physiological mechanisms of transfer between the 2 components are still a controversial area, under the focus of researchers. Nowadays ultrasound evaluation of the placenta is extremely important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of intraplacental vascularization by the determination of intraplacental vascularization indices during the course of pregnancies with normal evolution. The study included 80 pregnant women aged between 23 and 37 years, assessed in the period 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2010. The two-dimensional, three-dimensional and Doppler ultrasound examinations were performed with an ACCUVIX V10 ultrasound machine, equipped with a 3.5 MHz probe. RI decreased proportionally and progressively during the course of pregnancy (Pearson correlation coefficient r=-0.704; P<0.000). For the accuracy of the interpretation of this relation, the fact that gestational age was analyzed only at 5 time points (14, 22, 28, 32, and 38 weeks) was also considered and an analysis of the Spearman correlation coefficient showed that RI decreased directly proportionally to gestational age (-0.754; P<0.000). For the other parameters, no significant global correlations with gestational age were described. A tendency to linear dependence between FI and VI, as well as between FI and VFI, was evidenced. There was a statistically significant direct proportionality relation between VI and VFI. No parameter was correlated with RI if all gestational ages were taken into account. A tendency to obtain a correlation between between RI, FI, VI and VFI was found, particularly at 14 and 28 weeks. The correlation of placental vascularization indices with other ultrasound parameters is an aim in researchers attention.
Keywords: placenta, 3D power Doppler ultrasound, vascularization indices

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