<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 7, Issue 1, February 2011

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Psychiatric Disorders Associated to Post-partum Period

M. L. Staicu, N. Costin

Abstract: Childbirth, from the psychological medicine perspective, is the most complex human experience. Pregnant women and those who recently gave birth are prey to a variety of psychiatric disorders, which are not easily recognized. Thus, the present paper aims to make a short presentation of these disorders, based on a number of studies published during the last years and which presented the various types of post-partum reactions. Considering them as physiological and not treating them can negatively affect the mother, the child or alter their interaction. The authors concluded that the post-partum period, as described by the scientific literature, is characterized by an extreme vulnerability and that it is very important for future mothers to be well evaluated, to be educated in order to identify early the symptoms and to get proper treatment.
Keywords: post-partum, anxiety, depres sion, blues, puerperal psychosis

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