<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 7, Issue 2, May 2011

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Pineal cyst durin pregnancy and labor

H. Dede, S. Ozdogan, S. F. Dede

Abstract: With the advent of modern diagnostic tools for neuroimaging, the incidental detection of pineal cysts in asymptomatic subjects has increased. We report a case of asymptomatic pineal gland cyst of 23-years old pregnant women. The first diagnosis of the cyst was made by a MRI examination before her second pregnancy in 2005. The pineal cyst was found to be 15 mm in diameter. Since then, she was followed by neurosurgeons without any complications or symptoms until her current pregnancy. At the last MRI scan from 2009, 4 years later, the pineal cyst was found to have no changes in size or location. Following birth, the patient remained asymptomatic and no further problems were occurred during the postpartum period.
Keywords: pineal cyst, pregnancy, labor

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