<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 8, Issue 2, May 2012

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Epigenetics in placental development

M. Moga, I. Vasile

Abstract: Placenta, by virtue of its critical structural and functional roles, is a key link in the chain of events that lead to intrauterine programming of adult health. The critical role of epigenetic regulation, the mitotically and meiotically heritable control of gene expression not related to deoxyribonucleic acid sequence, during development is becoming increasingly appreciated. In this review, we concentrate specifically on the intersection between transcriptional, epigenetic, and physiological factors in specifying placental development. Additionally, fetal programming mechanisms depend on the interplay of transcriptional and epigenetic regulators with environmental cues to induce alterations that manifest as disease susceptibility in adults. We tried to summarize the current knowledge in the field of epigenetics in relation to placental development and function.
Keywords: epigenetic mechanisms, gene expression, placenta

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