"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2013.167
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2013.167
"/> Relations between perinatal outcomes and gestational diabetes
<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 9, Issue 4, December 2013


Relations between perinatal outcomes and gestational diabetes

C. M. Schaas, M. Titianu, M. Stamatian, M. Onofriescu

Abstract: The aim of the study is to compare the outcomes of infants born to diabetic mothers with those born to non-diabetic mothers, to analyze the effects of gestational diabetes early diagnosis upon avoiding complications, to establish a relation between maternal glycaemia values and perinatal distress. We conducted an observational research on 52 diabetic and 216 non-diabetic mothers and their infants during 2011-2012. In the present study, 7.69% of the infants born to diabetic mothers were low-weight and 28.85% macrosomic compared to 6.81% and 19.44% respectively in the non-diabetic mothers group. About 15.38% of diabetic mothers delivered prematurely compared to 10.18% non-diabetic women. Only 88.46% of the infants born by diabetic mothers had Apgar score 8 to 10 compared to 90.74% of the infants born by non-diabetic mothers. Gestational diabetes represents a risk for perinatal complications (premature delivery, macrosomic or low-weight fetus, low Apgar score) that may lead to adverse outcomes for both mother and child. The severity of these complications depends of mothers’ previous health status and constant glycemic control during pregnancy.

Keywords: gestational diabetes mellitus, glucose intolerance, perinatal outcomes

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