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Benign ovarian tumors. Anatomo-clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutical aspects

A. D. Brăila, M. Brăila, F. Corniţescu, G. Cazacu, E. Vârcan, V. S. Marin, L. M. Triţoiu, D. Enache

Abstract: The benign tumors and ovarian dystrophical lesions (pseudo-tumors) have an important place in gynecological pathology as follows: high incidence regardless of the age; the lack of clinical findings in early stages, and in the same time, the difficulties of early diagnosis; the multitude of anatomo-clinical and microscopical varieties; the possibilities of malignancy no matter what is the embriogenetical origin and histological variety; the therapeutic and prognostic implications, by different biological behavior, impossible to anticipate; a relapse in the last three decades in all geo-climatical areas and, unfortunately, especially of severe types, in spite of medical achievements and technological progress. The ovarian tumoral pathology is difficult to approach clinical and especially therapeutical. The knowledge of anatomo-clinical types, benign in the beginning, with a vary potential of malignisation, is a peremptorial argument in decreasing their incidence for the patients and society benefit.
Keywords: benign ovarian tumors, histology

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