"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2014.108
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2014.108
"/> Mucocele of the appendix, therapeutic attitude. A case report.
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Mucocele of the appendix, therapeutic attitude. A case report.

F. Săvulescu, O. Mircea, H. Stoicescu, D. Surdeanu, C. Cirlan, O. Nicodin

Abstract: The appendicular mucocele is a rarely encountered pathology in clinical practice, with an occurrence rate of 0.2% of all appendectomies, it usually affects people older than 50 years. We present the case of a patient, 40 years old, with no significant pathological and heredocolaterale history, which was hospitalized in our clinic for abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa, and finally we remember the principles of the terapeutical attitude for the appendicular mucocele.

Keywords: appendicular mucocele, peritoneal pseudomixoma, chemotherapy.

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