"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.27
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.27
"/> Influence of melatonin on plasma glucose-regulated protein 78 levels in ovariectomized female rats
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Influence of melatonin on plasma glucose-regulated protein 78 levels in ovariectomized female rats

R. Ciortea, A. Malutan, L. Angheluta, C. Bucuri, R. Baltoaica, M. Rada, D. Mihu

Abstract: In rats with surgically induced primary ovarian failure, melatonin may influence intraretroperitoneal fat and a number of metabolic factors, which are risk factors for a number of disorders, including endometrial cancer (EC). The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of melatonin treatment in female rats with surgically induced menopause on the plasma glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) levels as a risk factor of EC. In the current study 40 mice were included. At 14 days post-ovariectomy the animals were exposed to estrogen replacement treatment and combined treatment of estrogen and melatonin. The treatment duration, with products and doses recommended for veterinary use, was 12 consecutive weeks. The plasma estrogen and GRP78 level was measured. Groups which received estrogen associated with melatonin had a lower level of GRP78 compared to the control group. This study supports the idea that melatonin influences plasma estrogen level, which is directly, correlated with plasma GRP78 level, suggesting the implication of GRP78 in the pathogenesis of EC.

Keywords: melatonin, endometrial cancer, GRP78.

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