"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.62
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.62
"/> Abnormal placental findings in the case of a pregnant woman with biliary tract hydatid disease
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Abnormal placental findings in the case of a pregnant woman with biliary tract hydatid disease

A. M. Lazaroiu, M. Popa, O. M. Patrascu, A. Dumitru, C. N. Mehotin, M. Sajin, M. Costache, O. Munteanu, M. Cirstoiu

Abstract: We report the case of a 33 weeks pregnant woman who was admitted in our hospital for recent jaundice. The controversial results of medical investigations and the patient’s clinical outcome indicated the necessity for immediate caesarian-section along with exploratory laparotomy. The surgeons extracted gelatinous membranes from the main biliary duct. At the Department of Pathology from University Emergency Hospital from Bucharest, we received the placental components, were we noted the presence of one true umbilical cord knot and meconium impregnation, a non-slatted gallbladder of 18 cm long and the numerous, heterogeneous membranes. On histopathological examination we found uteroplacental hypoxia-related features in the placenta together with retroplacental hematoma, umbilical cord edema, and inflammatory content of the gallbladder and hydatid cyst fragments on the common bile duct samples. The premature new-born survived and both the mother and the infant were discharged in good health condition after 2 weeks.

Keywords: hydatid disease, uteroplacental hypoxia, true umbilical cord knot.

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