"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.148
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.148
"/> Congenital heart disease and the role of genetic factors in cardiac morphogenesis
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Congenital heart disease and the role of genetic factors in cardiac morphogenesis

I. Roşca, M. Şerban, A. Ristea, M. Nanea, R. Tocariu, M. Mitran

Abstract: Cardiovascular malformations are the most common types of birth malformations, causing a significant increase in mortality worldwide. The etiology of most of these abnormalities remains unknown, but the genetic factors involved are considered to have an increasingly important role. Advances in understanding normal molecular cardiac development have led to the identification of numerous genes required in cardiac morphogenesis and drove to the discovery of a growing number of monogenic causes of human cardiac malformations. Sequencing of the human genome and advances in molecular techniques have led to an increase in proving the crucial role of the genetic factors.

Keywords: congenital malformations, genetic factors, newborn.

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