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Sindrom de secreţie ectopică de ACTH prin tumoare pancreatică cefalică neuroendocrină cu determinări secundare hepatice, peritoneale şi pleurale
ACTH ectopic secrection syndrome by pancreatic cefalic neuroendocrin tumor with hepatic, peritoneal and pleural secondary mass

S. Gorbachevskiy, A. Sucaliuc, R. Hristea, C. Dumitrache

Abstract: ACTH ectopic secretion syndrome represents one endogenous corticoid toxemia due to an excessive ectopic secretion of ACTH, been responsible out of 10 to 20 % of cases with Cushing syndrome. In contrast with Cushing disease, where the M:F ratio is 8:1, the ACTH ectopic secretion syndrome is far more frequently in men than in women. Pancreatic insular tumors represent about 10 % of cases with this syndrome. In this paper is presented one case of ACTH ectopic secretion syndrome in a 40 years old female, with one pregnancy with trombophilia 9 month ago, with sudden onset of weight loss of 5 kg since one month, and high blood pressure, mild hirsutism, vertigo, weakness and bone ache.
Keywords: ACTH, ectopic, secretion, syndrome

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