"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.180
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2015.180
"/> Conservative treatment of patients with bulky leiomyoma uterine arteries embolization vs. myomectomy
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Conservative treatment of patients with bulky leiomyoma uterine arteries embolization vs. myomectomy

N. Pruna, G. Radu, O. Munteanu, R. Bohaltea, E. Bratila, B. Dorobat, M. Cirstoiu

Abstract: The pelvic tumors with the highest prevalence are uterine leiomyoma. These benign tumors are associated with symptoms like: pain, menorrhagia and menometrorrhagia. A modern method of treatment in these cases is uterine arteries embolization. This technique consists in injecting particles of polyvinyl alcohol into vessels that supply the tumorsin order to block their vascularization. This procedure is performed by femoral or brachial artery approach with a 3F micro catheter. First, a dye is injected followed by X-ray guidance. Another used method consists in surgical excision of the leiomyoma - myomectomy. We performed a retrospective descriptive study analyzing a group of 90 patients hospitalized in the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest on the Obstetrics-Gynecology ward between 01.01.2011-01.01.2015 diagnosed with bulky uterine fibroids. Two groups were formed. Group A included 45 patients who underwent uterine artery embolization. Group B consisted of 45 patients who underwent myomectomy. All patients were re-evaluated clinically and by ultrasound at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after the procedure to assess treatment response. An extensive comparison was conducted between the two groups.

Keywords: leiomyoma, uterine arteries embolization, myomectomy, conservative treatment.

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