"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2016.25
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2016.25
"/> The role of CA125 in diagnosis and follow-up of the patients with ovarian cancer
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The role of CA125 in diagnosis and follow-up of the patients with ovarian cancer

A. Gireada, I. Balescu, N. Bacalbasa, C. Balalau, M. Dimitriu, D. Navolan

Abstract: Ovarian cancer represents one of the most important health problems all over the world, being responsible for a high number of deaths annually. Serum level of cancer antigen125 is one of the most often used methods for screening, monitoring the response to treatment, the eventual relapse and disease progression in these patients. This is a review of the most important studies conducted on these themes in order to assess an improvement in the management of this aggressive malignancy.

Keywords: ovarian cancer, CA125, debulking surgery, chemotherapy.

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