"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2016.86
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2016.86
"/> Comparative study of quality of life in patients with C4-C6 CEAP stage chronic venous disease using CIVQ-20 questionnaire
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Comparative study of quality of life in patients with C4-C6 CEAP stage chronic venous disease using CIVQ-20 questionnaire

T.L. Hangan, D. Navolan, S. Vladareanu, S. Chirila, G. Nicola

Abstract: Chronic venous disease is a common condition among adult population that has a determinant effect on the quality of life (QoL). In this study we assessed the QoL for 56 patients with venous insufficiency and stages C4- C6. The aim of this study was to determined which components of the CIVIQ-20 questionnaire are influenced by the development of stasis ulcers. The results show that, overall, the QoL depreciates significantly once the first stasis ulcer appears. From the components of the questionnaire, the pain is more intense and the mood of the patients is much more affected once the disease evolves from C4 stage to C5-C6 stages.

Keywords: venous insufficiency, varicose veins, varicose ulcer, quality of life.

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