"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2016.161
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2016.161
"/> Curative anterior pelvic exenteration for pelvic recurrence after irradiated, surgically treated cervical cancer. A case report and literature review
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Curative anterior pelvic exenteration for pelvic recurrence after irradiated, surgically treated cervical cancer. A case report and literature review

N. Bacalbașa, I. Bălescu

Abstract: Pelvic recurrences after irradiated and surgically treated cervical cancer are frequent situations which require an aggressive surgical approach in order to provide a benefit in terms of survival. Most often in these situations pelvic exenterations are needed to obtain a curative resection with negative resection margins. We present the case of a 68 year old patient who was successfully submitted to anterior pelvic exenteration for a centropelvic recurrence after pre-irradiated, surgically treated cervical cancer. At eighteen months follow up the patient is free of local or distant recurrences.

Keywords: pelvic recurrence, cervical cancer, curative pelvic exenteration.

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