"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2017.82
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2017.82
"/> The influence of placental hormones and insulin-like growth factors in fetal growth and development
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The influence of placental hormones and insulin-like growth factors in fetal growth and development

V. Traistaru, S. Vladareanu, R. Vladareanu

Abstract: The role of the placenta in fetal growth and development is achieved largely through hormones that regulate fetal and maternal metabolism. Thus the endocrine function of the placenta is as important as the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the mother and the fetus. Fetal growth and development, largely depends on the nutrients and metabolites found in the mother’s body. However, the fetus may alter intrauterine homeostasis and its process of growth and development through hormones. Aneventual dysfunction at this level can lead to impaired fetal growth and development, which can translate to fetal intrauterine growth restriction. A better understanding of these mechanisms may lead to a future decrease in the incidence of such cases.

Keywords: insulin growth factor-I, fetal growth, pregnancy.

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