"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2018.154
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2018.154
"/> Roma sterilization practices in South Eastern Europe
<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 14, Issue 4, December 2018


Roma sterilization practices in South Eastern Europe

M. Aluas, S. Hostiuc

Abstract: In recent years, in South Eastern Europe, there have been some reports regarding involuntary sterilization of Roma women. In this article, we will present three cases of involuntary sterilization through tubal ligation during cesarean section. Patients trusted that their physicians are professionals and they will treat them with the best of their knowledge. Instead, the physicians decided, without previously consulting with their patients, to sterilize them. This act damaged the role of the physician in the public eye and hurt the intrinsic trust of the patients in the medical profession as a whole.

Keywords: reproductive rights, involuntary sterilization, Roma women discrimination.

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