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Some benefits of concomitant management of abdominal wall defects with the cesarean delivery in pregnant patients

V. Constantin, L. Bohâlţea, B. Socea, V. Ciofoaia, C. Moculescu, F. Popa

Abstract: Objective: The possibility of establishing an simultaneous therapeutical approach , through anatomical and clinical corelations, combining cesarean delivery and hernia repair in an pregnant patient has arisen while trying to address the subject of uncomplicated hernia repair in pregnancy. Methods: Medical records of 21 patients treated in Saint Pantelimon Emergency Hospital were retrospectively reviewed, data taken between 2002-2008 a Results: In this study, of the 21 uncomplicated cases operated, 16 (76, 19%) were inguinal hernias, and 6 were umbilical hernias; The surgical approach used the same anestethical moment with the cesarean delivery and relied on the tensionfree mesh technique that is used currently in major clinical surgery hospitals. The cases were more frequent toward the third decade of age, with an good postoperative evolution and almost no complications (low morbidity). There were no relevant connections between the patient origins and residency (urban/rural) and the abdominal wall defects. Conclusions: The therapeutical algorithm - combining the two surgical moments, cesarean section and hernia repair under the same anesthetic “umbrella“, simple and efficient, may propose an solution for all cases of delivery associated with uncomplicated hernias, hernias that need to be addressed in order to avoid further possible evolutive complications.
Keywords: hernia in pregnancy, therapeutic algorithm, concomitant cesarean delivery and mesh herniorraphy

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