"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2014.6
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2014.6
"/> Preeclampsia and the imbalance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants
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Preeclampsia and the imbalance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants

D. Mihu, L. Sabau, R. Ciortea, C. Mihu, C. Iuhas, A. Malutan, D. Muresan

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the plasma level of the degradation products of nitric oxide – which is a potent vasodilator - in relation to the plasma levels of the degradation products of reactive oxygen species and to the plasma levels of antioxidants in preeclampsia. About 240 patients were considered for the study divided into three groups. We determined the plasma levels of lipid peroxides and carbonyl content of proteins, the hydrogen donating ability of plasma and nitrates and nitrites. The results reveal a significant increase of plasma reactive oxygen species and a significant increase of plasma antioxidants and nitric oxide in healthy pregnant women compared with non-pregnant women. Significantly increased plasma levels of reactive oxygen species and significantly decreased antioxidant level and nitric oxide were found in pregnant patients with preeclampsia, compared to healthy pregnant women. Normal pregnancy has a new oxidant/ antioxidant balance compared with non-pregnant status, the increase of oxidants being neutralized by the increase of antioxidants, whereas in preeclampsia the oxidant/antioxidant balance does not longer exists and oxidative stress occurs. In this manner, decreased level of nitric oxide may contribute to the accentuation of the imbalance of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator factors in preeclampsia that leads to the arterial hypertension that characterises this disease.

Keywords: preeclampsia, reactive oxygen species, antioxidants, nitric oxide

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