"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2018.141
"> DOI:10.18643/gieu.2018.141
"/> Characteristics of post-term pregnancy in Klungkung Regional Hospital, Bali-Indonesia
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Characteristics of post-term pregnancy in Klungkung Regional Hospital, Bali-Indonesia

A. K. Pranamartha, I. Sukadana, I. Sudiarta, A. Bhargah

Abstract: Introduction. Post-term pregnancy is a pregnancy that has lasted 42 weeks (294 days) or more, in the regular menstrual cycle an average of 28 days and the first day of the last menstruation is known with certainty. According to World Health Organization in 2010, every year around the world 358,000 mothers die during pregnancy or during labor where 355,000 (99%) coming from developing countries. Statistical data showed that the mortality rate in post-term pregnancies was higher than in term pregnancies, where the post-term pregnancy mortality reaches 5-7%. In Indonesia there are 3.5 until 14% births with post-term pregnancies from the total first pregnancy. In this case, there is an increase in mortality in advanced pregnancy. Methods. This study used a descriptive cross-sectional design that provided an overview of the characteristics of 163 patients with post-term pregnancies at Klungkung General Hospital, Bali-Indonesia in the period from 1st January till 31st December 2017. The patients were divided into 58 primigravida and 105 multigravida. Results Most age groups who experienced post-term pregnancies in the multigravida group tend to have older age. Based on the vaginal delivery method, primigravida groups tend to require more induction. Based on the mode of delivery through caesarian section, the primigravida group tends to be more due to fetal distress. Primigravida groups tend to give birth to children with birth weight <3500 grams. Conclusions. The post-term pregnancy rate in Klungkung Hospital is still quite high at 163 cases in 2017.

Keywords: pregnancy, post-term, health service, characteristics.

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